
Three stormchasers recently lost their lives in Texas. Please pray for their families

Kelley Gene Williamson ,  Randall Delane Yarnall ,  Corbin Lee Jaeger

IMG 20160903 193959159 HDR 300x168  Three stormchasers  recently lost their lives in Texas. Please pray for their families

Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

(Posted by Annette Windsor )

The tornadic storm  that ran a 17 mile course across Montgomery Co. on June 13th was intercepted by Tom Windsor,  a local Damascus resident and storm chaser.   Earlier the fire department reported seeing the  tornado in Norbeck, as it crossed  Georgia Ave. and Norbeck Rd.

In his words and pictures :

“I intercepted the base of the mesocyclone around 4pm. at a golf course on New Hampshire Ave. and  Ednor Rd., southeast of the reported tornado site.  I drove east on Ednor around 4:10 p.m. and experienced  almost horizontal southerly  winds.  Then shortly after, the winds shifted rapidly in from the northwest  showing strong wind circulation.  I  later reported it to the National Weather service in Sterling, VA”.

 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Base of mesocyclone, southeast of Olney / Norbeck Md 6/13/13

olneytorn3editb 300x224 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Tornadic  cloud base, southeast of Olney / Norbeck , Md 6/13/13










 Local Chaser Intercepts Montgomery Co. Tornadic Storm

Tornadic cloud base w/ possible funnel , southeast of Olney / Norbeck , Md 6/13/13

A “Thousand Points” of Citizen Weather Data

Today there is an exponential growth of global “social” weather communities.

When I first started storm intercepting 15 years ago, my connections where national. Now I might run into a few guys from Germany or from Europe on storm vacation tours (like last year). I periodically communicate with a meteorologist in India who has done work on early typhoon warning systems. I might chat with a chaser in Australia and ” shoot the breeze” on a social weather forum.

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Oldest Historic Account of a Supercell Storm ?


08 20 05 1955 300x225 Oldest Historic Account of a Supercell Storm ?


Approximately 2500 years ago the biblical prophet Ezekiel wrote an account which I think contains some details that are now only understood in light of modern meteorology. Though he was certainly describing more than a natural storm in the text, he wrote about a great cloud and “a whirlwind coming out of the north.”

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